Friday, July 04, 2014

Understanding KARMA in depth - Dadi Jankiji

-: Understanding KARMA in Depth :-

Dadi Jankiji –

The power of karma and the power of the Almighty are both great. I have come onto this world drama stage to play my part. God has made me an instrument. I need to now perform such actions that I get the highest return for that action. The fruit of performing good actions are purity, peace, love, happiness and power. When we take power from the Almighty, that power comes into our actions and we attain these five fruits. We need to first take power from the Almighty in order to stop performing negative actions and to be able to perform positive actions. People will then follow me in doing this.
Thus, this is an easy path. By following this path, life becomes easy. Everyone wants to live a good life and when others see us living good lives with happiness, they also become inspired to do the same. This is the way the soul creates a huge fortune for itself. In fact, this is what God is teaching us. By taking God’s power, I can finish the vices... I can stop getting angry. By taking God’s power I will never need to ask what will happen or how it will happen. If you keep asking questions you can’t move forward. We have received the light of knowledge and that light has given us insight. We now need to pay attention on our actions: what is true? What is false? What is a charitable action? What is a sin?
When Dadi went overseas for the first time she was not familiar with anything there. She saw three things in people’s lives; worry, hurry and curry... However, Dadi kept one phrase with her that helped a lot. That phrase was, ‘Don’t worry. No problem’. Now go into the depth of purity and imbibe it in your thoughts, words and actions. Purity is the mother of peace... Through purity we cleanse our own hearts. In order to be able to imbibe the knowledge of God, my intellect needs to be pure. The intellect is cleansed through establishing and maintaining a connection with the Almighty. It is through this connection that light comes to the soul. God is my Teacher, He is my Father, He is my Sat Guru.... Establish these relationships and you will accumulate power from Him. Purity results in truthfulness which then becomes divinity.
Learn to be patient even in small aspects. Don’t allow yourself to be impatient. Patience is essential in life... After that comes humility. Humility is a great virtue. Bring it into your life. Then imbibe sweetness. Speak sweetly... God speaks so sweetly...He speaks sweet words so bring that sweetness into your life. The Gita tells us we have to remain in the world yet maintain a connection with One God. This is the attention we need to keep; to maintain a connection with One. If you remain in His remembrance then whatever work you do will be of a very high quality. You will feel inspired! On seeing you, others will feel that God is getting His work done through you...
Now begin your life anew; understand what God wants from you... what time wants from you. Bring virtue into your life... The call of time is to finish off all types of corruption. People are now not able to live without telling lies, stealing or abusing others... Stop talking negatively about others because that gives a great deal of sorrow. I also have to learn not to take sorrow when others speak negatively about me.
I need to have great value for my own life. I need to now make the best use of my own time and that means to become good myself and to make others good. My life should be such that on seeing me others are inspired to live good lives. I have to know how to remain happy and make others happy – removing their sorrow... This is what God is teaching us to do. Bring what you are hearing into your life now...
Let us now be such that we actually dispel the darkness of this world by distributing the treasures of happiness, light and knowledge... Learn to remain happy and the power of God will work through you. If you allow God’s power to work on you then that power will also do its work on the minds of others and they will be able to change their lives for the better.
Om Shanti !!

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