Thursday, July 10, 2014

Daily Positive Thoughts: July 11, 2014: This Moment

Daily Positive Thoughts: July 11, 2014: This Moment
This Moment

If I fill this moment with happiness and peace, it will increase the chances of the next moment being like that also.
Sometimes when someone says something, there is a tendency to feel hurt
even though the other person did not mean anything. This is because
only the words are heard but the meaning behind it is not understood.
This brings misunderstanding and conflicts and even spoils
relationships. When someone is telling me something I need to listen to
the other person rather than merely hearing to his words. When I am
able to understand the intentions behind his words I am able to take
something from them instead of just creating conflicts in

Factors That Shape Our Perception (cont.)

There are four main criteria that may influence how our perception of reality is distorted or altered (changed). We had discussed "Mental Limits" yesterday. Today we continue to discuss the same:

Mental Limits (cont.)
Trapped by mental limits, some of which were discussed yesterday, human beings in general only use 10 per cent of their inner potential, and the other 90 per cent is available but is not used due to oversight (overlooking) or the lack of awareness that they have it. Meditating helps us to cross these mental limits. Meditation takes us to a higher dimension over our physical identity that releases us from these limits. Throughout our lives, and especially during our childhood, many impressions are formed about ourselves, since at the very beginning of our lives we do not know who we are or who we should be, until we learn it from those around us, who are older, and who know more things and who presumably love us.

One of the biggest mistakes we can make in our lives is to refer only to the opinions of others to work out who we really are. e.g. When a parent tells a child - * You are extremely naughty, * You are ignorant or * You are lazy, the child is creating negative and false images about himself (or herself). It is quite possible that the child has said or done something wrong, but this does not mean that we label the child negatively. It was their behavior that was bad. It is important to establish the difference between - * You are a naughty child and * It is incorrect to fight with your sibling.

Due to the fact that many people label others based on their behaviour, negative beliefs are created that are not based on what is true and genuine, and these beliefs may be dragged along throughout the person's life - which then function like mental limits in the life of that person.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance
Practical Ways of Changing Old Habits or Beliefs (Part 3) 

Conscious Disassociation 
A useful method for transforming habits is that of conscious disassociation. This involves avoiding the situations that give rise to the habit occurring automatically. For example, if you often smoke after a coffee, you have to make sure there is no coffee. By breaking your habit, you will be less likely to have a craving to smoke. Instead of your habitual coffee, you can create a new pattern and have a cup of herbal tea and sit down to think or read, instead of smoking. 

Rajyoga Meditation 
Rajyoga meditation is an efficient method for transforming habits. By connecting with the Supreme Soul (who is the purest conscient energy) in the incorporeal (non-physical) world of divine light, which is called paramdham or shantidham, the soul purifies itself and one experiences a natural disinclination from negative habits that we have been trapped in for a long time. 

(To be continued tomorrow …..) 

Message for the day

To be a donor means to give at each step and increase one's own stock. 

Expression: Usually it seems very difficult to be a donor - to give from whatever resources we have. The thought often arises in the mind that we cannot give because we are ourselves not complete or full. We find ourselves constantly trying to fill ourselves and we then have no time or thought for giving to those around us. 

Experience: We have a lot of treasures within us which we can give to those around us, our virtues, our specialities etc. Even if we have just a little and give to the others, we will find ourselves benefitting. For having given from whatever we have, we find that these treasures begin to increase within ourselves too. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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