Thursday, July 31, 2014

Daily Positive Thoughts: August 01, 2014: The Spirit of Generosity

Daily Positive Thoughts: August 01, 2014: The Spirit of Generosity

The Opening Ceremony at the Winter Olympics 2014 in Sochi, Russia

The Spirit of Generosity

Generosity means more than just giving. It also means to cooperate with others. The greatest act of generosity is to see beyond the weaknesses of others, helping them to recognize their innate value.


Several times we find ourselves attributing our failures to our
incapability and tend to feel disappointed. However, the failure is not
because of lack of capacity to achieve that task, but because of lack
of determination. We tend to give up without trying till the end. When
we keep in our mind that the task at hand is important and it has to be
done at any cost, we find some or the other way to get the task done.
Because of our determination, we find receiving help from outside too
and we are successful in whatever we take up.

Spiritual Vision

A simple definition of spiritual vision is that I see the best in others. A parameter of proving to myself that I have a spiritual vision and I am seeing the best in others is that I naturally thank and praise rather than criticize those with whom I interact at home or at the workplace on a daily basis - even though I may see obvious negative characteristics in them and experience negative behavior from them. Keep a daily chart of the three points, for three people close to you, below for one week. Every night, fill this chart up for the day that's just gone by.

1. Name of person and relationship
2. How did I thank or praise him/her?
3. What was this person's response?

Remember that although you may be constantly positive with others, constantly seeing their original spiritual qualities, it may take time for your positive energy to transform them and for them to start transmitting positive energy back to you and start behaving positively with you. At the end of the week, check what benefits did you and others experience from this exercise.

 Soul Sustenance
Stress Management

Worry is triggered by any negative memory of the past. It means, you are suffering, and you are probably under the illusion (false belief) that you are enjoying your suffering. It also means you are not living now. You are missing your own life by living in your worries, which are always in the past and in the future. Your worry habit has trapped you in the past where you get the raw material for your worries, and a non-existent future, where you focus that material, and the result is you miss your life now. All this won't change until you choose to change the worry habits that you have recorded in your consciousness (mind). That will require the removal of the illusion (false belief) that you hold inside that it's good and necessary to worry. It's a waste of time and energy. It means replacing the desire to create images of negative futures with positive responses to what is happening in your life right now. Otherwise your worry karma will keep you in permanent pain (sorrow).

Message for the day

To contribute selflessly is to move forward with the blessings of all.

Projection: Many times we find ourselves in situations where there is a problem, where we seem to be part of the problem too. We try defending ourselves but people do not always understand. At such times there is no solution to be found, and we find ourselves talking again and again about the problem.

Solution: We need to become part of the solution instead of just being part of the problem and talking about it. To be part of the solution means to make some contribution in order to better the situation. When we do whatever little we can, we continue to receive blessings from those around us.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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