Saturday, July 26, 2014

Synopsis: Avyakt Murli of November 29, 1978

Synopsis: November 29, 1978

“The attainment of happiness and praise through contentment”

Effort: Whilst you are progressing in this effort-making life, problems and adverse situations definitely have to come. When you stop on the path to look at the scenes, the destination is experienced to be far away. Whilst seeing the scenes, you must continue to overcome them as you move along.

Reason: When you don't know what is causing the problems and adverse situations, you experience having to tolerate them instead of experiencing happiness. Instead of experiencing this to be an easy path, you experience it as a path of having to tolerate everything. Such children remain discontented with the Father, that is, with His knowledge and the path of having this knowledge inculcated in them. Along with this, they remain discontented with themselves.
Result: There have to be all three types of contentment. 1) To be content with the Father; 2) Always to be content with the self and 3) To be content with your connections and relationships. Living souls and matter are both included in that. The visible indication of contentment is happiness; to be constantly happy. On the basis of this happiness, such souls receive the practical fruit of being praised by everyone.

The way to succeed is for yourself to become an embodiment of constant success. Before carrying out a task, have a bhatthi for paying special attention to your attitude. Through these vibrations, you will be able to transform the attitude of many. Constantly pay attention to swinging in the swing of happiness. Those who are cheerful and happy attract others towards themselves.
Service: Claim the special blessing of being constantly content and happy with yourself and bestow this blessing on others. In this way, you will be able to praise the Father and yourself. The elevated means of getting praise is the happiness of each and every Brahmin. The success of any task depends upon everyone’s happiness. The final offering to be made into this sacrificial fire will be the constant happiness of all Brahmins. Then there will be revelation, that is, the sound of praise will resonate; the flag of victory will be hoisted.
Avyakt versions: Remain constantly absorbed in the love of God
God’s love: is a blissful swing. Constantly remain absorbed in the love of the Supreme Soul and swing in the swing of happiness so that neither any situation nor any upheaval of Maya can come to you. God’s love is limitless and unshakeable. The method to attain the Supreme Soul’s love is to become detached.

This love is so blissful that when you become completely lost in it within a second, you are able to forget all types of sorrow. Let the love be from your heart - true and selfless. Don’t remember Him with any selfish motive, but remain absorbed in His selfless love. The sign of love is that you are given whatever you need in life when you need it. The practical form of this loving sustenance is to have an easy yogi life.
Souls merged in the love of God:

1.   Surrender everything they have and sacrifice all their weaknesses out of this love.
2.   They remain absorbed in such love that they say from their heart: Baba, You are everything for me.
3.   They are never influenced by limited things.
4.   The fragrance of spirituality constantly emerges from them.
5.   The Father fulfils their desire for peace and happiness in life.
6.    The Father makes them the masters of the treasure-store of happiness.
7.   The Father also gives them the pen to draw the line of their elevated fortune as long as they want: this is God’s love.
8.   Problems cannot even raise their eyes to look at such children.
9.   They do not have to labour in any way.
10.       The Father sustains them from amrit vela. God Himself calls them to celebrate a meeting with Him!
11.       The Father has a heart-to-heart conversation with them and fills them with power.
12.       By experiencing God’s love, they become easy yogis and continue to fly.

Essence of Murli (H&E): July 27, 2014:
Revised: 29/11/78
“The attainment of happiness and praise through contentment”
Blessing: May you be greatly fortunate and, remain constantly happy by knowing the horoscope of Brahmin life.
Brahmin life is a new life. Brahmins were deities at the beginning and they are now Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. All three aspects of time in the horoscope of Brahmins are the best of all. Whatever happened is good, what is happening is even better and what is going to happen is the best of all. The horoscope of Brahmin life is constantly good and this is a guarantee. So, constantly maintain the happiness that God, the Father, the Bestower of Fortune, has Himself drawn an elevated line of fortune and made you belong to Him.
Slogan: In order to experience a constant and stable stage, take the sweetness of all relationships from the one Father.

रिवाइज: 29-11-78        
सन्तुष्टता से प्रसन्नता और प्रशंसा की प्राप्ति
वरदान:- ब्राह्मण जन्म की जन्मपत्री को जान सदा खुशी में रहने बाले श्रेष्ठ भाग्यवान भव !
ब्राह्मण जीवन नया जीवन है, ब्राह्मण आदि में देवी-देवता हैं और अभी बी के.हैं ब्राह्मणों की जन्म पत्री में तीनों ही काल अच्छे से अच्छा है जो हुआ वह भी अच्छा और जो हो रहा है वो और अच्छा और जो होने वाला है वह बहुत-बहुत अच्छा ब्राह्मण जीवन की जन्मपत्री सदा ही अच्छी है, गारन्टी है तो सदा इसी खुशी में रहो कि स्वयं भाग्य विधाता बाप ने भाग्य की श्रेष्ठ रेखा खींच दी, अपना बना लिया
स्लोगन:- एकरस स्थिति का अनुभव करना है तो एक बाप से सर्व संबंधों का रस लो

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