Thursday, July 03, 2014

Daily Positive Thoughts: July 04, 2014: Greatness

Daily Positive Thoughts: July 04, 2014: Greatness


To be free from desire for prestige and regard is a sign of true greatness.

When there is regard for each and everyone, others' specialties are
easily visible. There is appreciation o f each one's specialties.
This appreciation creates a good feeling in the other person. And with
every interaction the other person continues to bring transformation. I
am able to see the positivity even when their negativity is being
expressed. This naturally brings transformation in others and of course
I find my intellect too changing to the positive, because of a long
time of practice of seeing positivity.

Restoring The Mind-Body Balance

Many people are under the impression that the focus of spirituality is only on the mind and the soul, and the physical body is neglected. But that's not true. Our physical body is essential to our life and the art of living. It is our vehicle and our home. An appropriate balance of diet, sleep, relaxation and exercise is important for the body. However, when we enter the world of spirituality, the main emphasis is on the mind and the soul. This does not mean that we do not value or take care of our body. Without a healthy body, we would not be able to express ourselves mentally or spiritually. Spiritual progress, which includes the listening/studying and imbibing of spiritual knowledge, the practice of meditation, the inculcation of divine virtues and the spiritual service of others through different means is much easier and better with a healthy body.

Unfortunately, though, we have lost the art or wisdom of balance and for very long we have placed too much emphasis on our physical form, the body; and less emphasis on our spiritual form, the soul, as a result, reducing our spiritual awareness. One of the aims of spirituality is to restore this balance between mind and body so that we can experience well-being and happiness at every level. So while our body and our physical energy are essential, the focus of spirituality is on the mind and the soul, to help regain the balance.

Soul Sustenance
The Subtle Role Play Of Thoughts And Images (Part 2) 

What the quality of a soul’s thoughts and images (or scenes) that it creates, depends on the soul’s sanskaras. Depending on the quality, the soul experiences the various different emotions, whether positive or negative. When the soul first incarnates on the physical world stage from the soul world, the quality of this role play of thoughts and images is high, pure and positive, hence it experiences only positive emotions. As it plays its different roles and comes down in the birth-rebirth cycle, this quality reduces, leading to the experience of emotions like sorrow, peacelessness, etc. 

A point worth noting is that the key to any deep emotional experience, whether positive or negative is the creation of thoughts as well as images related to that particular emotion at the same time e.g. think and visualize at the same time, the death of a close relative that took place ten years ago and you immediately have a deep experience of sorrow. Think and visualize together, a loving hug of your mother that took place in your childhood, and you immediately experience deep happiness. This type of co-ordination between these two subtle processes is true concentration. The key to any type of spiritual upliftment is the upliftment of these two processes. The meditation that is taught at the Brahma Kumaris is nothing but a spiritual thought process accompanied by a spiritual visualization process, whereby thoughts and images of the subtle, spiritual self (or soul) and the Supreme Being (or Supreme Soul) are created together to experience the original qualities of the spiritual self and the eternal qualities of the Supreme Being – purity, peace, love, happiness and power. 

Message for the day

Success comes to the one who understands the importance of time. 

Expression: When we are working at a task, success doesn't come as much as it should because we have not been able to recognise the importance of time. Because of this sometimes carelessness sets in which makes us lose valuable time and interferes in what we are doing. Then we cannot give our best to the task. 

Experience: We need to recognise the importance of time so that we never postpone what we can do now. We will then always have the slogan 'now or never' in our mind. Knowing that what we can do now, we cannot do it as well in the future, we'll give our best to all we do right now. This will enable us to use our time in a fruitful way and success will come very easily to us. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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