Saturday, October 18, 2014

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 19, 2014: Exercise and Diet

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 19, 2014: Exercise and Diet
★ Exercise and Diet
Unhealthy lifestyles are rooted in the mind and seeded in the soul. The spiritual exercise of the mind involves taking the mind out of the physical body and to the subtle, angelic body of light and then to our state of being a soul - a sentient point of light and power. As for diet control, pure thoughts are the healthy diet for the mind. Creative thoughts are like vitamins and positive thoughts provide proteins that build will power, while thoughts of serving others are like carbohydrates, which provide energy for the mind.

★ Fly Above
When difficult situations come our way, we tend to create a lot of
waste questions in our mind. These waste questions only fill our mind
with negativity draining us out of our energy. At that time, it seems
natural to have such thoughts and we are caught up only with such
thoughts, leaving no space for constructive thoughts. When difficult
situations come our way, we need not be caught up with why it happened
but we need to make effort to fly. We need to find a way to empower
ourselves that we become stronger than the situation, so that we are
able to fly above it. Then the situation would appear tiny and we would
be able to overcome it in a second.

★ Understanding The Inner Mechanism Of Anger
If we think, speak and act in an angry way, we leave an impression or memory of anger within our own consciousness which results in sanskara of anger to be born. Within the sanskara is the recorded emotion and experience of our expression towards the object of our anger. The object is a particular person or situation. If we encounter the object of our anger the next day, it will trigger the emergence the recorded anger from within the sanskara. We then deepen the sanskara as we express more anger, even if we only 'think' anger. The emergence of this emotional energy from within our consciousness then stops us from interacting in a positive way. It clouds our mind and confuses our intellect, weakening and distorting our thoughts, decisions and behaviour. This often explains why we find it harder to connect and communicate with certain people in our life. Essentially we are carrying a negative image of the other person within our sanskara from a previous interaction with them. And when we see them again it emerges the energy within the sanskara, which then influences our ability to respond to them.

★★ Soul Sustenance ★★
Quality Transformation (Change)

Quality change is the capacity to transform negative situations, or circumstances, into something beneficial for one's self and others. Quality transformers are people who can turn walls of resistance into bridges of understanding and keep crossing them, who can change any obstacle into a stepping stone of success and can reverse the troubling, paralyzing dragon of doubt and insecurity into radiant self-confidence, dissolving the thought‘impossible’ from the mind.

Such people work with the undercurrents of life that determine the external reality, of human interaction. These undercurrents are their attitudes, thoughts and feelings. If these undercurrents are filled with resentment, anger and selfishness, then, despite being polite and cooperative externally with people, relationships will be subject to damage and deterioration. On the other hand, when the undercurrent is filled with trust and sincerity, then the quality of life and relationships is enhanced. The fundamental source of quality is the existence of a positive undercurrent. It is not a matter of our words, actions or role (which is the external reality), but rather the foundation, the undercurrent i.e. the thoughts and the activity of the mind.

Meditation enables the mind to tune in to that undercurrent of thoughts, feelings, and attitudes, which is the invisible creator of our human reality. The nourishing power of silence, attained through meditation and spiritual knowledge, gives us the means to bring about quality transformation (change) in this undercurrent. Such change enhances our self-confidence and the capacity to creatively and positively relate to life as it is and face situations easily.

★★ Message for the day ★★
The best way to progress is to gain good wishes and blessings from others.

Projection: For the one who earns the blessings of others at every step, there is easy success. There is positivity and speciality revealed in every action and benefit for the self and others. Even the most difficult circumstances, don't deter such a person, but he has the power and the courage to move on. So there is constant progress, whatever the situations may be.

Solution: When I am able to take good wishes from those around me, I am able to experience being obstacle-free. I am able to move forward with ease under all circumstances. Even in the most difficult situations, I am able to take the benefit from those around me, for others are willing to provide support at the right time, because my actions have earned good wishes from others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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