Thursday, October 16, 2014

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 17, 2014: Vibrations of Happiness and Peace

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 17, 2014: Vibrations of Happiness and Peace
*** Artist- Josephine Wall ***

★ Vibrations of Happiness and Peace
While listening to news of this world filled with sorrow, with your stable intellect, give vibrations of happiness and peace to the peaceless and unhappy souls.

★ The Spiritual Self
Can I detach from the various personalities I play during the day
(daughter, parent, boss, employee, student) and talk to myself
one-on-one? Is it good enough to fulfill my daily responsibilities or do
I value my spiritual self too? Sometimes I may avoid thinking about the
inner self because it's a little scary to face my weaknesses and come
to terms with not-so-good past actions. However, it's a fact that
whatever is real and true lives on despite the amount of alloy mixed in
or accumulated layers of dust. Would the world be just as beautiful if
we had left all the impure gold or raw diamonds buried away? I must
learn to value myself, an eternal spirit of divinity, and do all I can
to make it glow...

★ Serving Through Silence
In meditation you connect to the experience of silence in which both the mind and the heart are calmed. The mental chatter or noise stops. A gentle flow of slow, clear, transparent and peaceful thought is produced. The organs of the senses and the body are calmed and your emotions become peaceful. In this state you can listen to the voice of your conscience, the voice that guides you. That way you awaken the divine intuition. On listening to that voice, you are strengthened. In this way you start to align your life with your purpose, with what you really want. You begin to have more determination to carry out the things that you really want to do, without fear preventing it.
With meditation you learn to love the silence. A tender, beautiful and sweet silence. That way you value each word more, given that to not lose that experience of the sweet silence, you try to talk less, to speak with sweetness and gentleness. When you generate the love and pleasure in going to the silence, it helps you express the best of yourself. To help others, sometimes it is better not to speak, not to use words; to use the vibration of your thoughts and good feelings that emerge from that state of silence.That way you will enter the hearts that are trapped in darkness. Those hearts are in darkness, they have lost hope, and they are hurt, wounded, discouraged. From your silence you transmit to them the light with which they can find a way out. To receive it, they have to be willing. But if their time has not yet come, at least they will know that there are people willing to help from a silence that does not judge, does not complain. A silence that accepts, appreciates and loves, generating an atmosphere in which one can be oneself and feel free to change at their own speed, without feeling forced, but rather from understanding and love.

★★ Soul Sustenance ★★
The Spiritual Director And The Actor

Spirituality adds great depth and value to Shakespeare's famous words - 'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.' Through spirituality, I realize and experience myself as a soul, separate from the body, playing a part on the stage of the world through my physical body costume. The difference between the actor and the role is clearly understood. An added dimension then, to this consciousness is that God or the Supreme Being is the Spiritual Director of the play we are enacting.

The Director - God looks at the entire drama and every actor's part from a broader perspective. His vision is not just limited to the present but stretches from the past (past not limited to this birth) to the future (future not limited to this birth) of each one's part. I learn from the Director how to play my own part with accuracy, now as well as his training helps me for the future. Like any good actor, I need to have a lot of respect, appreciation, loyalty and love for the Director and immense faith in him. The Director is like a mentor or guide for an actor, to whom he surrenders completely. He knows that by doing that, his act will be of the highest quality. If he doesn't do that and he performs his act his own way, his act will suffer and he will experience pain. As a result he will not be as successful as one who is willing to listen and learn from the Director. If I keep a little distance between me and my role, so I don't lose sight of the Spiritual Director's instructions and the way the play is moving, my part will be much easier to perform, better appreciated by all, and I will be extremely successful. Positive appreciation for a performance for an actor's performance by the spectators is of great value to any actor, sometimes even more important than commercial success. So surrendering to the soul's Director and having a strong relationship of mutual trust with him is particularly helpful at this time, when there is a lot of confusion on the stage of the Earth with billions of actors crowded here and our acts not exactly of the highest quality. So I, the spiritual actor need someone at this time who can tell me about mistakes committed by my in my past acts and improve my act of the present which will result in a positive present as well as future. Spirituality introduces me to that someone.

★★ Message for the day ★★
Forgiveness means to forget the mistakes of others.

Projection: The one who is able to forgive is able to forget the mistakes in his future interactions even after noticing the mistakes of others. He is able to be loving and so he is able to give corrections with love. Only when there is love in one's interactions, will the corrections given will be effective. Also such a person will not be caught up with anyone's mistakes and will be free from attitudes.

Solution: Even if there is a temporary feeling of negativity, if I am able to forget the mistakes of others and forgive them, I am able to be free from negative feelings. I am able to be light and free from the burdens of the past interactions with them. So I find myself successfully able to deal with others, whoever they may be.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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