Monday, October 06, 2014

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 07, 2014: Edit your Memory Tape

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 07, 2014: Edit your Memory Tape
★ Edit your Memory Tape
Before going to bed, have a quick replay of the day's activities on the video of your mind. If you're carrying negative feelings towards yourself, someone or something, then take a moment to edit. Editing doesn't mean deleting what happened, but changing your FOCUS on what happened. It is accepting the errors and spotlighting the positive. Select what you want to carry in your memory track, otherwise your memory will advertently focus more on the negative. The longer the negative tape runs in your memory track, the deeper it becomes embedded.

★ What lies Within
It is often said that until you know yourself you cannot know others,
and without knowing others it is difficult to have a stable
relationship with them. This is often the cause of unhappiness and
disappointment. We are never able to reach the stage of stability. We
focus our energies on external things and the outward show of others,
therefore we are left with weakness in even our emotions. If we can
come to the awareness and understanding of the peace and happiness that
lies within us then, we do not become so dependent upon other people to
make us happy - because the one who makes you laugh today can be the
one who causes tears tomorrow.

★ Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (cont.)
There is a difference between when we have established our own code of values or beliefs in life, and when we feel obliged (forced) to obey an imposed code of beliefs. It is important for us to accept on an inner level the code by which we think we should be guided and act. When we act out of obligation (compulsion), by following a code of beliefs or behaviors that we feel have been imposed but aren't accepted as our own, we should ask ourselves why we act out of obligation (compulsion), basing ourselves on a code we have not accepted. Are we perhaps afraid that, if we don't do it, we will feel guilty?

When we violate the codes of belonging to a group, family, social class or community, generally we feel guilty. If this guilt leads us to question ourselves about what is right for our conscience, we progress in our personal growth and improve our clarity. It is necessary to respect ourselves, being clear about what the beliefs are on which we base our life, think, feel and evaluate. This will help us to avoid the gap between what we should and what we want to do. Until the should and the want are joined, we leave an open space for guilt.
When we act according to how we feel we should, we will feel guilt for not doing what we want. While we act according to what we want, we will feel guilt for not doing what we should. When guilt warns us that there is something to check and correct within us and we are willing to see it, have a dialogue with the self and clarify, we are on the right path. Sometimes guilt acts as an excuse for us to apologize without really taking on the responsibility for what happened; we pass on the responsibility to the established norms, norms that in this case we haven't accepted as our own. In any case, the solution to guilt is to take on self-responsibility.

★★ Soul Sustenance ★★
Unloading Your Pressure Baggage (cont.)

Can we experience freedom only when there is an absence of outside pressure? We feel pressured from many sides. At work, we feel the pressure to do tasks as per fixed guidelines of set systems and within boundaries of time, of keeping up our performance as per others’ expectations and as good as our compatriots. In relationships, we feel the pressure of experiencing success in them, of satisfying others and gaining respect from them. In studies, we feel the pressure of having to excel in them, not only because that is instrumental in building our future but because of the desire to be seen in a positive light by others. We feel the pressure of having to earn more and more wealth to satisfy the necessities, comforts and luxuries of the family and to maintain a certain image in society. In the face of problems, we feel pressure when we are not able to solve them quickly or in the way that we want. Failure or its fear, in any sphere of life, generates pressure in us. Sometimes we experience pressure because the mind is not functioning as per our desires or directions or we are not able to transform our negative personality to a positive one as much as we want. When we believe that something harmful can happen if we don't reach our set objectives on time or in a certain manner, we feel pressured. Physical illnesses or their fear can also create pressure for some of us.

And so life turns into an endless amount of pressure crests, like speed breakers that appear one after the other, unsettling us and not giving us time to relax. When we feel pressured, it seems that the life forces rule our life and we do not feel free. In the long-term, this repetitive habit of creating feelings of pressure and carrying such baggage ends up leaving us exhausted on an emotional and spiritual level.
(To be continued tomorrow…)

★★ Message for the day ★★
Let there be a positive record of always talking with regard.

Projection: When I have regard for others, there are good wishes expressed through my words. Such words are totally free from the slightest bit of negativity and bring a very positive result. When words are positive, they are few but essenceful. So they have a lot of impact on others.

Solution: When I have regard for others, I will be able to keep myself free from negative and waste words. So I'll naturally find every word of mine being used in a positive and powerful way. So I find only accumulation and no waste through my words. My energy is saved and others too would have only good wishes for me.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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