Saturday, October 11, 2014

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 12, 2014: Belief Power

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 12, 2014: Belief Power
**** Wood Spiral Staircase, Pele’s Castle, Romania ****

★ Belief Power
If you are ready to alter some of the current outcomes in your life then you will need to start with your beliefs. There are many categories. First there are 'fatal beliefs' - "I can't, I'm not able, I never will." These are the beliefs we have about ourselves, that set the boundaries and limitations of ourselves. Then there are 'blocker beliefs' -"My kid is boss is an idiot...did you see that crazy person?" These are beliefs about others and, for however long they last, they block the flow of energy in a relationship. They are bricks in the walls we build between each other. Then there are 'survival beliefs' - "Get what you can while you can....there is not enough to go have to look after number one." These beliefs would have us live in fear and anxiety, otherwise known as insecurity. We can choose our beliefs. But first we may have to unchoose the ones that have crept in over the years, now living comfortably 'below stairs' and seem to be part of our inner furniture. If you want different outcomes in your life, change your beliefs first. Clean up down stairs!!relax7

★ Loving Relationships
Who doesn't appreciate loving relationships? The soul is nourished when there is mutual affection and regard between family and friends. Love of course is built on trust but before I establish secure relationships with others, there are two major entities I have to face everyday: 'Myself' and 'God.' Am I honest with my inner conscience and my God? When the intellect is clean of falsehood, I not only win the heart of God but of every soul in my contact.

★ Overcoming Possessiveness And Complexes In Close Relationships
We are all aware and we all experience also that close knit family relationships are a constant source of happiness and love. But these relationships, many a times, also possess the capacity of bringing along with this love and joy, many different negative shades of possessiveness and domination, and complexes and dependencies. These are widespread ailments existing in our family relationships today, but which can be cured. Meditation is a very positive healing process which can cure the causes of these ailments, which exist inside the human souls. Once the causes are cured through meditation, relationships become extremely healthy, which provide the self from others and from the self to others, only and only positivity energy, in the form of positive and empowering thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

A common sign of these diseases is lack of respect for people close to us. As a result of an un-respectful consciousness, we sometimes behave with our nearest and dearest ones, like maybe our spouse or children or siblings (brothers or sisters) or parents, in such an offensive manner which we normally never and would not ever even think of showing towards people with whom we are not very close. It's not just a question of mannerisms, but of inner respect for the other. So often in families, a particular fixed order in relationships, positions of higher and lower, positions of senior and junior, become established, leading to feelings of superiority and inferiority, the effects of which start penetrating in the relationships e.g. the mother-in-law is very dominating and takes it for granted that she will be listened to by the son and daughter-in-law. Or an older brother or sister orders around a younger sibling, not giving him/her enough space in which to speak his or her own mind and express himself/herself, leading to an inferiority complex in the younger sibling. Or a wife is extremely possessive of the husband, not giving him enough personal freedom. Once established, these behaviors become permanent sanskarasand tend to be carried with us through life, so that even when we have left the original family relationships and circumstances in which these behaviors existed, we bring the same personality traits into our new relationships and circumstances.
(To be continued tomorrow ...)

★★ Soul Sustenance ★★
The Journey Of Time (cont.)

We also see in nature that everything new becomes old. Nothing ever starts old and becomes new. All material possessions including the human body, all political movements, religious movements, different philosophies etc. move from a state of newness to a state of oldness or decay. This is on a micro level. When we apply this principle and process on a macro level to the world as a whole, we can then easily understand why we live in an 'old world' – a world with scientific progress but overused, misused, tired and where many sectors are simply worn out. This process is sometimes known as entropy. The Law of Entropy states that a closed system moves from order to disorder or chaos, when the energy inside it reduces because it is not renewed or re-energized from a source outside that system. On a physical level, the sun sustains and re-energizes the systems of nature on the physical Earth every day. But in the recent past our exploitation of the world has started to become faster than the world’s ability to renew or re-energize. We now use the trapped energy in our physical world much faster than the sun can replace it.

Tomorrow, we shall explain how the Law of Entropy can be applied to spiritual energy and our virtues.

★★ Message for the day ★★
The one who understands God's love is himself loving too.
Projection: The one who understands that God has love for all children, never hates anyone, however negative the other person's charactersitics might be. There is the understanding that it is not the person who is negative, but it is only a negative quality working within that person at that time. A loving person's love discourages the other person to use the negativity and encourages to use the positive qualities instead.

Solution: When I am connected with God, I am able to experience His love. Once I understand and experience His love, I am able to remain loving too - even with the most difficult people. I am then able to have good wishes for all, understanding that my love will make them positive too. I am never caught up with anyone's negativity, but am always happy as I only interact with positivity.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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