Sunday, June 29, 2014

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 30, 2014: Detachment

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 30, 2014: Detachment

Artist: Elisabetta Trevisan


Detachment does not mean we don't care about what is going on in the world. Detachment does not mean coldness or hardness. It just means we learn to stand back and observe for a moment. Detachment gives us that 'space of time' to create a measured response and not to be overruled by habitual reaction.
When I do something, there's sure to be some criticism that comes my
way. But I am not always able to take it in the right spirit. I tend to
give a lot of explanations and excuses to others and myself. When I
give excuses in this way I finish the ability to learn and so I am not
able to experience constant progress. Whenever I am faced with
criticism I need to reinforce my faith in whatever I am doing. When I
am sure of myself, and the task that I am involved in, I will be able
to learn from whatever the others tell me. I will no longer give
excuses but go on bringing improvement to whatever I am doing.

The Art Of Stepping In And Stepping Out In Relationships

For any activity, or relationship to remain peaceful and successful, we must know how far to step in and how far to step out. It is like a gardener who sows seeds at the right time, steps in to plant and water them and then steps out of the picture to allow nature to carry on with her work. However, from time to time, he steps in again to see if there is enough water, if any insects are attacking the plants, if any food is needed. His role is to find the appropriate space for the potential beauty and uniqueness of the seeds to emerge; he does not create the flowers but facilitates their expression. The gardener does not step in too much; that would be called interference. After planting the seeds, he does not demand an immediate result; he does not dig them up next day to see if they have sprouted. He plays his role, fulfils his duty, but lets go because he understands the blooming of the flowers is not dependent on him. Nor does he let go too much. If he did, then the plants would die from lack of care, or the insects and weeds would destroy them. He does not let go so much that he isolates himself from the process. Instead, by knowing when to step in and when to step out, he creates a respectful partnership or relationship with nature.

Tomorrow we shall apply this example to real life relationships.

Soul Sustenance
Injustices And Suffering In The World – Applying The Law of Karma (Part 2) 

An understanding of the laws of action reminds us that whatever we give we get, and whatever we get is the result of what we have given. When we apply this understanding into our awareness while we watch apparent injustices in the world, it reduces our outrage, lessening our pain. It's not that we sit passively and allow people to bring about suffering upon others, but it helps us to see that the greatest or highest contribution that we can make, to both the victim and the sinner, is to help them remember who they are and help them rise above their anger and fear towards each other. Only in this way can we help them to liberate themselves from an exchange of energy that has perhaps been going on for centuries. 

But before we can effectively do this for others, it is necessary to try and do it for ourselves. Instead of taking the law into our own hands (the desire for revenge and justice), we can benefit everyone around us by first understanding and living ourselves according to the invisible laws of cause and effect which define all human relationships. Sometimes this is referred to as 'practice what you preach', and it often requires moments of reflection before action in order to judge the consequences of any path of action. This capacity to stop, reflect and consider, in a state of mental calm and with clear intellect, is an essential characteristic of all effective leaders. It is also what makes us all potential leaders in life, every day, who can bring about world transformation through self transformation. 

Message for the day

Flexibility makes problems into teachers. 

Expression: Flexibility enables us to move with time, slipping through life as gently and strongly as possible. When problems do come, instead of stopping with fear, we will be able to learn from them and move on, experiencing constant progress. 

Experience: In any problem that we are faced with we need to remind ourselves that the situations around us will not remain the same, things might get worse too. If we are able to be flexible now we will be able to adjust ourselves to any kind of situation that we might be faced with in the future too. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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